I cannot wait to read Nancy Martin's newest Blackbird Sisters mystery Murder Melts in Your Mouth
. I think that's a horrible title that conjures up all kinds of disgusting mental pictures, but I digress. I don't even remember how I stumbled onto these little gems but I was hooked at the first one and immediately bought the entire backlist. There's so much to love from to-die-for vintage couture clothes, crazy sisters, and the Philadelphia blue-blood society they were raised in. Most of all there is the hunky, so-bad-he's-good guy Mick. Born into a mafia family he's trying to escape his family roots. Of course Nora Blackbird can't stay away from him (and who would want to try).
It comes out this week and I'm itching to get my hands on it. Sadly, Nancy Martin has fallen victim to the publishing industry's idea of success. When a paperback series becomes a hit, they put it in hardcover. Aargh! Why do they do this to us? I was getting these fabulous little books for $5.99, now you want me to pay $22.95. Are you kidding me? Of course you can get it from Amazon for $15.61 but that's beside the point. Do publishers want successful author's sales to drop off? I can tell you that I'm not going to buy it, sorry Nancy. I'll wait to borrow my wonderfully generous friend, Teresa's copy. Read fast Teresa, read fast.
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