I've been away for a few days to the beautiful city of Washington, D.C. One of the things I usually do is pick up a copy of the satirical newspaper
The Onion. The headlines and stories are just plain funny. Sometimes silly, sometimes neatly skewering politicians or current mainstream news drama. This week they have a funny article,
Novelist Strike Fails To Affect Nation Whatsoever. My favorite part is a caption under a picture of a writer titled "Novelist T.R. Walsh was forced to put a manuscript on hold he has been writing for more than 15 years."
Only today did I come across your blog. I, too, am a 'book addict'..also very familiar with Washinton, D.C. However, the thing that spurred me on to contact you was the fact I thought I was in the minority to enjoying "The Onion". Mentioning this many times to friends, all I ever get is a puzzled look! I really enjoy the things you have to say. Thank you :)
Thanks sweetie, I get the same looks too.
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