Sunday, March 16, 2008

Books of the Week

Predatory Game Book CoverOkay, so I was traveling this week and I finished the one book I had brought with me to read. I still had the five hour flight home so I wanted to grab another book at the airport. Well, pickins were slim, let me tell you, so I grabbed Christine Feehan's Predatory Game. This is book six in her Ghostwalkers series. I read the first four but they all seemed the same to me so I stopped. Sadly book six was no different. It was 50% enjoyable, and 50% annoying. The hero keeps calling the heroine "baby" and "honey" in every damn sentence. And, this is way before they become involved. Roomates don't call each other baby. Look, she has a name okay? Learn it tough guy.

Another book I read this week was the long awaited Murder Melts in Your Mouth by Nancy Martin. It was just as good as the other Blackbird Sisters mysteries. I want Nora Blackbird's closet. She may be poor, but she has great clothes. The ending was also very satisfying. Worth the wait! 

And, last but not least, Stealing Home, by Sheryl Woods. This is book one in her Sweet Magnolias Trilogy. I've really enjoyed books set in the south but this one just made me think, maybe it's not such a good idea to live in a small town. Apparently you can't even have sex without everyone knowing and maybe even getting fired. Geesh!

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