Thursday, February 28, 2008
Kim Harrison Wants You to Win an iPhone
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Harlequin Giving Away a Sony Reader
I think this Sony Reader has to be one of the coolest things out there for e-books. Sony has teamed up with Harlequin to create a special Valentines Day themed e-book reader. Harlequin has kicked in 14 e-books to the deal. They have long since sold out but Harlequin is giving one away on their blog. Enter here by February 29th for your chance to win.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Free Books from Samhain Publishing
Samhain Publishing is giving away three print paperback books this month. They are also giving away a free e-book on February 26th (enter by February 25th). Click here to enter for the e-book and click here to enter for the print books.
Rare Bird Finds Cool Stuff for Bookworms
One of my favorite shopping blogs is Rare Bird Finds. They always have unique indie stuff that is great for gifts. Today's post is cool stuff for bookworms. Check it out.
My favorite item from the post is the book birdhouse:
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Danielle Steel Wanted to be a Nun??
According to an interview with Reuters, Danielle Steel wanted to be a nun when she was young. She says that her Catholic religion has always been very important in her life and it helped her get through the suicide of her son, Nicholas Traina. Steele, who has written 88 novels, says that it takes her about two and a half years to write each book. That blows me away since it seems like she has 3-4 out each year. Personally, I stopped reading Danielle Steele's books in college. They were just too emotionally wrenching to be enjoyable (for me anyway). Also I could never tell what was new or old with those plain covers. I hated picking up a book and having to read about a guy with a mustache because it was written in the 80's. You can read the full interview here.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Vintage Paperback Book Covers
Vintage paperback books have some of the best covers. has a veritable treasure trove of some of the most gorgeous, lush paperback covers from the 40's all the way through the 60's. Check out the sexy digests section for what they refer to as "sleaze" covers. To me it looks more like romance and the stories were probably much less risque than what gets published today. The titles are pretty awesome too. Can you image Nora Robert's next book being titled Plaything of Passion or Abortive Hussy?

Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Illustrated Romance Novels?
Medallion Pre
ss of Illinois is launching an illustrated romance novel line called Passion's Blood. The first title published will also be called "Passion's Blood". Referred to by the Medallion publicist as "adult fairy tales", these romance "picture books" should be quite interesting. If the cover art is anything to go by, these have the potential for hilarity. I guess I'll wait for my ARC, ...yeah right.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Free E-Books
I don't know about you but I love free books. One of my favorite authors, Lynn Viehl regularly publishes free e-books that are part of her sci-fi and dark fantasy series(s). I think it's a great way to give readers an introduction to your work or as a special treat for fans. You can download Lynn's free reads at her Scribd page. If you like the Darkyn series, Worthy, Willing, and Wanted are stories you definitely will want to read.
Another author who has quite a few free novellas is Kelley Armstrong, author of the paranormal Otherworld series. Her free online fiction can be found at her website, There's lots of great stuff.
Many writers also have excerpts of their books on their websites, so be sure to check our your favorite authors.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Harlequin Book Reading Challenge
Harlequin is challenging it's community members to read 100,000 books in 2008. When the reading challenge ends on December 31, 2008, Harlequin will donate 100,000 books to the National Center for Family Literacy (NCFL). They are asking community members to read books and blog about them. It's not entirely altruistic however, to be counted at least 50% have to be Harlequin books. That shouldn't be too hard since most Harlequin books seem to average about 150 pages. To find out more information go to
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Books I Read This Week

Beyond the Dark
by Angela Knight, Emma Holly, Lora Leigh & Diane Whiteside - Angela Knight's story about superheroes was pretty awesome. Diane Whiteside's story bored me to death and I lost interest about halfway through. I don't think I've ever given up on a short story. Emma Holly's was a delightful little taste of her demon world books. Lora Leigh's was just enhhh. Super sped up version of her breed books.

Bubbles Unbound
by Sarah Strohmeyer is the first book in a great series about Bubbles Yablonsky, a hairdresser turned P.I. who solves a local murder. Funny, quirky and sexy.
Hello, My Name is Vicky and I'm a Book Addict
I seriously love books. I'm obsessed really. My idea of paradise is a comfy couch and a good book. I'd love to share with you what I'm reading, among other things. I have a book review website specifically for vampire romance, Vampire Genre, but that's definitely not all I read. Recently I've found myself itching to talk about other fabulous books I've found that aren't paranormal. Et voila, Book Addiction is born. Please feel free to share with me your own book recommendations.
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